Open Cloud Company Rackspace Announces Redesigned Public Cloud with Performance Cloud Servers
![]() Open cloud company Rackspace has announced a redesigned public cloud with Performance Cloud Servers - new servers that deliver "enhanced levels of application performance with greater speed, throughput and reliability". Customers can connect Rackspace's Performance Cloud Servers to dedicated bare metal servers as part of the Rackspace Hybrid Cloud. Rackspace is the founder of the OpenStack cloud software and a hybrid cloud leader. The company caters to "hundreds of thousands of customers" who benefit from a product portfolio that enables public cloud, private cloud, dedicated servers, or a combination of platforms to work together to meet customer requirements. The company's Performance Cloud Servers are currently available in Rackspace's Northern Virginia region and will be available in Dallas, Chicago and London later in the month. They will be available in Sydney and Hong Kong shortly after. Powered by OpenStack, Rackspace's new Performance Cloud Servers offer RAID 10-protected solid-state disks (SSDs) alongside Intel Xeon E5 processors. With four times more RAM, twice the CPU performance, one hundred and thirty-two times more total disk input/output, more than eight times the total network bandwidth and 120 Gigabytes of RAM, the servers offer substantially better performance over existing Cloud Server options. The new Performance Cloud Servers offer a high throughput network designed to work with Cloud Block Storage. This delivers one-and-a-half times better disk I/O performance for Standard volumes and two and a half times better disk I/O performance for SSD volumes. “In today’s world of instant demand, applications must be capable of scaling fast, and performing at scale without compromise," explained Rackspace's Chief Marketing Officer, Rick Jackson. "As a cloud provider, our role is to enable that without customers having to over-provision and constantly re-architect their applications. Our mission is to provide our customers with the best-fit infrastructure to optimize the performance of their applications, and today we are redefining the benchmark for performance in a public cloud offering as part of our hybrid cloud portfolio.” Comment News