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Non-Technical Companies to Be Guided to The Cloud with Infinity Virtual

September 12, 2012
by Jonathan Watkins

Infinity Virtual founder and CEO Adam Stern claims that the cloud computing provider has eliminated the fear factor of migrating to the cloud through a new Onboarding Service.

Aimied at non-technical SMEs., the service will consist of a one-hour tutorial while also allowing customers to fire questions at live company representatives as Infinity Virtual endeavor to build a secure footing for their relationships with new customers.

"Our goal is to eliminate the fear factor, especially as small and midsize businesses migrate to the cloud, by offering a distinctly high-touch orientation session," explained Stern.

"As cloud computing grows, it naturally attracts organizations that may not have full-blown technology departments, but it's especially important that the experience for this population of users is positive and productive from the get-go."

The service has been put into place with the goal of companies going from purchase to production in a matter of hours, enabling a smooth transition with a helping hand from the virtual server technology provider.

"Building a Virtual Dedicated Server hosting environment requires collaboration among professionals from every discipline," continued Stern.

"What matters is the quality of the total package - the hardware and the software, of course, but also the support and the intangibles that, in the end, define the solution.

"Businesses need to know that virtualization/cloud hosting isn't a commodity business, and that some vendors do emulate the so-called big players both in the quality of the environments they build and the kind of support they provide."

About Infinitely Virtual

Infinitely Virtual is a leading provider of high quality and affordable virtual server technology, capable of delivering services to any type of business, via terminal servers, SharePoint servers and SQL servers - all based on Virtual Dedicated Servers. The company was established as a subsidiary of Altay Corporation, and through this partnership, Infinitely Virtual provides customers with expert 24×7 technical support. With an innovative approach to virtualization - one that includes reliance on its IaaS and SaaS tools for its own operation - Infinitely Virtual provides aggressively priced options that competitors simply cannot meet.

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