Jelastic Launches New PaaS Version
Jelastic, Inc. has launched a new version of its Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) solution, it was announced recently. The new version – known as Jelastic 1.8.5 – offers a range of enhancements including Parallels Billing Automation Standard (PBAS) integration, TCP load balancing, custom SSL certificates, application packaging, and a “Smart Live Migration System”. According to the company, Jelastic offers an “ultra-scalable and interoperable platform” that simplifies Java cloud hosting. Jelastic’s integration with the Parallels Billing Automation Standard (PBAS) means small- to medium-sized hosting providers using the system are now able to access billing automation options that include the PBAS system and the Parallels Automation system. Providers can also integrate other billing systems using Jelastic´s API. In addition, the latest version of Jelastic´s Application Packaging simplifies the process for deploying applications by turning deployment into a one-time, one-click process that can be managed directly from an application´s home page or from Jelastic´s Solutions page. The latest Jelastic release also offers custom SSL certificates that can be utilized “with the click of a button” to offer domains and applications optimal levels of security. In addition, Jelastic’s Smart Live Migration System provides a range of safeguards by analyzing hardware servers and protecting against inefficiency and overloads. Once Jelastic establishes a server is overloaded, it provides live migration to a less utilized server without incurring downtime. Jelastic, Inc: Recognized as creator of the Java Cloud hosting platform, Jelastic, Inc., is a startup operation located in California, USA. The company provides a range of PaaS offerings for which it was awarded Duke´s Choice Technology Leader Award Winner in 2012. It provides the only PaaS solution which hosting providers can make available to their customers. Comment News